Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm BACK to the BUSAIKUG!!!!

Kombawadesu......To tell you the truth, nowadays my life is dame dame dame boring...boring and tired like a dead fish!! Even my computer also jumping like a hippopotamus, I just play TM...reading manga ( recently nowadays)...facebook for a while..rewatch most of the know what I mean....I'm still finding nice animes that suit our type, however there is no nice anime to watch this year......ok..this is how my daily life I have to leave that holiday is going to be next week and it is ruin....I can't go Tokyo anymore....actually am I still dreaming...awe man, I really hate it....why there is and earthquake and tsunami when my holiday is coming...2 weeks holiday for sure going to be so so so boring....Im so lonely...but I will plan what I'm going to do on my holiday and have fun....but I don't know whether it really happens or not.....

Oh...I found an unknown anime or manga( can't really see the name though), I don't know whether I really can read this or not....but the drawing is dame nice and the boys are so kakui!!! If anyone find this anime or manga....pls. tell me...k.....there is all for today...

Is going to be night so.....
From a crazy otaku or you can say....Popsongs LOVER!!

The President's post (finally :D)

Konbanwa~ Minna-san~!

The Busaiku group seems to have revived (again xD) we should keep this up! I hope it does. Luckily The Vice had a consultation to revive the BG once again :) Thank you so much Vice!! Arigato Gozaimahss~~^^
On with the group. I was wondering if, we could turn into a group of Hetalia~ since I am a big fan and surprisingly the Vice is too ;D We could do a theme of Hetalia and maybe post some pictures of it videos~ Many more Hetalia oriented topics ^^ Good Luck and have fun! Thats all for my post.. On to TM!~!

President of BG

Thursday, March 17, 2011

OMG so long never log in to here @.@

So Hows Life? :D Fun or boring? Mine is sometimes boring and sometimes fun, depends on what it do ^-^ Btw, I love watching Hetalia! So damn funny! <3 :'D Its one of my best animes i have ever watch! XD
Come on! Play Tinierme with me!! And Kaichou, theres Hetalia Gacha and Durarara!Gacha in Tinierme :3
Theres gonna be Hello Kitty Gacha and Hakuoki Gacha too since they have it in the Japanese Tinierme.
Owh and I currently watching  Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Its nice but i really hate Reborn's cowardness! >:( I feel like slapping him lolz. I guess thats all i gotta say for now~
Bye Guys! Have a Nice day! <3

Lee Jung Hyun
[Vice President]